Erlang Download Mac


This guide covers RabbitMQ installation on RPM-based Linux (RedHat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Fedora, openSUSE).

RabbitMQ is included in standard Fedora and RHEL repositories. However, the versions included areusually outdated and out of support.

There are two ways to install the most recent version of RabbitMQ on an RPM distribution:

Erlang Solutions provides pre-built binary packages for OS X, Windows, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, CentOS, Raspbian and other operating systems. For Homebrew on OS X: brew install erlang. For MacPorts on OS X: port install erlang. For Ubuntu and Debian: apt-get install erlang. For Fedora: yum install erlang. For FreeBSD: pkg install erlang.

  • Installing the package using Yum repositories (this option is highly recommended) on or PackageCloud
  • Downloading the package and installing it with rpm. This option will require manual installation of all package dependencies.

The following guide focuses on RabbitMQ installation on RPM-based distributionssuch as Fedora, RHEL and CentOS. It covers a number of topics:

  • Package installation from Yum repositories on and PackageCloud
  • How to install a latest supported Erlang/OTP version
  • How to manage the service
  • How to inspect node and service logs
  • Installation on older distributions
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  2. Mac -Version 16.34 or up; Web - Version May 2019 or up; Note that some companies restricted the use of add-ins. Please contact your administrator or use a different Microsoft 365 account to get access to the Erlang functions. Please enjoy our add-in!
  3. Erlang can be downloaded from the Erlang download webpage, as shown in the following image, and installation instructions will be covered in the topics that follow: Download Webpage of Erlang Now, let's to talk about the installation of both RabbitMQ and Erlang on Windows, Mac OS X, Ubuntu, Fedora, and Amazon Web Services.

and more.


The package is distributed via Yum repositories on PackageCloud.

rabbitmq-server is included in Fedora. However,the versions included often lag behind RabbitMQ releases.It is recommended that you use Yum repositories from PackageCloud.

Check the Fedora package details for which version of the server isavailable for which versions of the distribution.

Erlang Download Mac

Supported Distributions

RabbitMQ is supported on several major RPM-based distributions that are still actively maintainedby their primary vendor or developer group.

Note that modern versions of Erlang can have incompatibilities with older distributions (e.g. older than three to four years)or ship without much or any testing on older distributions or OS kernel versions.

Older distributions can also lack a recent enough version of OpenSSL.Erlang 24 cannot be used on distributions that do not provide OpenSSL 1.1 as a system library.CentOS 7 and Fedora releases older than 26 are examples of such distributions.

Currently the list of supported RPM-based distributions includes

  • CentOS Linux 8.x and CentOS Stream 8.x
  • RedHat Enterprise Linux 8.x
  • Fedora 32 through 34 (use the CentOS 8.x package)

The packages may work on other RPM-based distributionsif dependencies are satisfied but their testing and supportis done on a best effort basis.

User Privilege Requirements

RabbitMQ RPM package will require sudo privileges to install and manage.In environments where sudo isn't available, consider using thegeneric binary build.

Install Erlang

Before installing RabbitMQ, you must install a supported version of Erlang/OTP.Standard Red Hat, Fedora, CentOS repositories provide Erlang versions that are typically out of dateand cannot be used to run latest RabbitMQ releases.

There are three alternative sources for modern Erlang on RPM-based distributions:

  • Team RabbitMQ produces a package stripped down to only provide those components needed to run RabbitMQ. This is the recommended option.
  • openSUSE produces Erlang packages for both openSUSE and SLES
  • Erlang Solutions produces packages that are usually reasonably up to date and involve installation of a potentially excessive list of dependencies

Zero-dependency Erlang from RabbitMQ

Zero dependency Erlang RPM package for running RabbitMQcan be installed from a direct download from GitHub,as well as Yum repositories on and PackageCloud.

As the name suggests, the package strips off some Erlang modules and dependenciesthat are not essential for running RabbitMQ.

Erlang packages from openSUSE

openSUSE package repositories provide Erlang so it can be installed using Zypper:

Erlang versions available in the standard repositories will in practice be behind the most recent version.To use the last version with the newest features, add theopenSUSE Factory repositories for Erlang:

Package Dependencies

When installing with Yum, all dependencies other than Erlang/OTP should be resolved and installed automaticallyas long as compatible versions are available. When that's not the case, dependency packages must be installed manually.

However, when installing a local RPM file via yum dependencies must be installedmanually. The dependencies are:

  • erlang: a supported version of Erlang can be installed from a number of repositories
  • socat
  • logrotate

Install Using PackageCloud Yum Repository

A Yum repository with RabbitMQ packages is available from PackageCloud.Package Cloud also can be used to install a recent Erlang version via yum.

A quick way to set up the repository is to use a Package Cloud-provided script.It is not a requirement and should be carefully considered since it pipes a generated script fromthe public Internet to a privileged shell.

The rest of this section guide will focus on a more traditional way that explicitly installs a Yum repository file.

Yum will verify signatures of any packages it installs, therefore the first stepin the process is to import the signing key

Add Yum Repositories for RabbitMQ and Modern Erlang

In order to use the Yum repository, a .repo file (e.g. rabbitmq.repo) has to beadded under the /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory. The contents of the file will vary slightlybetween distributions (e.g. CentOS 8 and 7 vs. OpenSUSE).

Red Hat 8, CentOS 8, Modern Fedora Releases

The following example sets up a repository that will install RabbitMQ and its Erlang dependency from PackageCloud,and targets CentOS 8. The same repository definition can be used by recent Fedora releases.


The following example targets OpenSUSE and only installs the RabbitMQ package repository.Erlang is assumed to be provisioned from the devel:languages:erlang:Factory repository.

Install Packages with Yum

CentOS 8, RHEL 8, Modern Fedora

Update Yum package metadata:

Next install dependencies from the standard repositories:

Finally, install modern Erlang and RabbitMQ:

Install Packages with Zypper

First, update Zypper package metadata:

Then install the packages:

Install Using Cloudsmith Yum Repository

A Yum repository with RabbitMQ packages is available from Cloudsmith.Cloudsmith also can be used to install a recent Erlang version via yum.

A quick way to set up the repository is to use a Cloudsmith-provided script.It is not a requirement and should be carefully considered since it pipes a generated script fromthe public Internet to a privileged shell.

The rest of this section will focus on a more traditional way that explicitly installs a Yum repository file.

Yum will verify signatures of any packages it installs, therefore the first stepin the process is to import the signing key

Add Yum Repositories for RabbitMQ and Modern Erlang

In order to use the Yum repository, a .repo file (e.g. rabbitmq.repo) has to beadded under the /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory. The contents of the file will vary slightlybetween distributions (e.g. CentOS 8 and 7 vs. OpenSUSE).

Red Hat 8, CentOS 8, Modern Fedora Releases

The following example sets up a repository that will install RabbitMQ and its Erlang dependency from Cloudsmith,and targets CentOS 8. The same repository definition can be used by recent Fedora releases.


The following example targets OpenSUSE and only installs the RabbitMQ package repository.Erlang is assumed to be provisioned from the devel:languages:erlang:Factory repository.

Install Packages with Yum

CentOS 8, RHEL 8, modern Fedora

Update Yum package metadata:

Next install dependencies from the standard repositories:

Finally, install modern Erlang and RabbitMQ:

Install Packages with Zypper

First, update Zypper package metadata:

Then install the packages:

Package Version Locking in Yum

yum version locking plugin canbe used to prevent unexpected package upgrades. Using it carries the risk of leavingthe system behind in terms of updates, including important bug fixesand security patches.

With rpm and Downloaded RPM

After downloading the server package, issue the following command as'root':

RabbitMQ public signing key can also be downloaded from

Download the Server

In some cases it may be easier to download the package and install it manually. The package can be downloadedfrom GitHub.

RPM for RHEL Linux 8.x, CentOS 8.x, Fedora 31+ (supports systemd) rabbitmq-server-3.9.7-1.el8.noarch.rpmSignature
RPM for openSUSE Linux rabbitmq-server-3.9.7-1.suse.noarch.rpmSignature

Run RabbitMQ Server

Start the Server

The server is not started as a daemon by default when theRabbitMQ server package is installed. To start the daemon by defaultwhen the system boots, as an administrator run

As an administrator, start and stop theserver as usual, e.g. using service:

If the service tool is not installed on the system, it can be installedusing yum:

Configuring RabbitMQ

On most systems, a node should be able to start and run with all defaults.Please refer to the Configuration guide to learn moreand Production Checklist for guidelines beyonddevelopment environments.

Note: the node is set up to run as system user rabbitmq.If location of the node database or the logs is changed,the files and directories must be owned by this user.

RabbitMQ nodes bind to ports (open server TCP sockets) in order to accept client and CLI tool connections.Other processes and tools such as SELinux may prevent RabbitMQ from binding to a port. When that happens,the node will fail to start.

CLI tools, client libraries and RabbitMQ nodes also open connections (client TCP sockets).Firewalls can prevent nodes and CLI tools from communicating with each other.Make sure the following ports are accessible:

  • 4369: epmd, a peer discovery service used by RabbitMQ nodes and CLI tools
  • 5672, 5671: used by AMQP 0-9-1 and 1.0 clients without and with TLS
  • 25672: used for inter-node and CLI tools communication (Erlang distribution server port) and is allocated from a dynamic range (limited to a single port by default, computed as AMQP port + 20000). Unless external connections on these ports are really necessary (e.g. the cluster uses federation or CLI tools are used on machines outside the subnet), these ports should not be publicly exposed. See networking guide for details.
  • 35672-35682: used by CLI tools (Erlang distribution client ports) for communication with nodes and is allocated from a dynamic range (computed as server distribution port + 10000 through server distribution port + 10010). See networking guide for details.
  • 15672: HTTP API clients, management UI and rabbitmqadmin (only if the management plugin is enabled)
  • 61613, 61614: STOMP clients without and with TLS (only if the STOMP plugin is enabled)
  • 1883, 8883: MQTT clients without and with TLS, if the MQTT plugin is enabled
  • 15674: STOMP-over-WebSockets clients (only if the Web STOMP plugin is enabled)
  • 15675: MQTT-over-WebSockets clients (only if the Web MQTT plugin is enabled)
  • 15692: Prometheus metrics (only if the Prometheus plugin is enabled)

It is possible to configure RabbitMQto use different ports and specific network interfaces.

Default User Access

The broker creates a user guest with passwordguest. Unconfigured clients will in general use thesecredentials. By default, these credentials can only beused when connecting to the broker as localhost so youwill need to take action before connecting from any othermachine.

See the documentation on accesscontrol for information on how to create more users and deletethe guest user.

Controlling System Limits on Linux

RabbitMQ installations running production workloads may need systemlimits and kernel parameters tuning in order to handle a decent number ofconcurrent connections and queues. The main setting that needs adjustmentis the max number of open files, also known as ulimit -n.The default value on many operating systems is too low for a messagingbroker (1024 on several Linux distributions). We recommend allowingfor at least 65536 file descriptors for user rabbitmq inproduction environments. 4096 should be sufficient for many developmentworkloads.

There are two limits in play: the maximum number of open files the OS kernelallows (fs.file-max) and the per-user limit (ulimit -n).The former must be higher than the latter.

With systemd (Recent Linux Distributions)

On distributions that use systemd, the OS limits are controlled viaa configuration file at /etc/systemd/system/rabbitmq-server.service.d/limits.conf.For example, to set the max open file handle limit (nofile) to 64000:

See systemd documentation to learn aboutthe supported limits and other directives.

With Docker

To configure kernel limits for Docker contains, use the 'default-ulimits' key in Docker daemon configuration file.The file has to be installed on Docker hosts at /etc/docker/daemon.json:

Without systemd (Older Linux Distributions)

The most straightforward way to adjust the per-user limit forRabbitMQ on distributions that do not use systemd is to edit the /etc/default/rabbitmq-server(provided by the RabbitMQ Debian package) or rabbitmq-env.confto invoke ulimit before the service is started.

This soft limit cannot go higher than the hard limit (which defaults to 4096 in many distributions).The hard limit can be increased via/etc/security/limits.conf. This also requires enabling the moduleand re-login or reboot. Note that limits cannot be changed for running OS processes.

For more information about controlling fs.file-maxwith sysctl, please refer to the excellentRiak guide on open file limit tuning.

Verifying the Limit

RabbitMQ management UI displays the number of file descriptors availablefor it to use on the Overview tab.

includes the same value.

The following command

can be used to display effective limits of a running process. $RABBITMQ_BEAM_PROCESS_PIDis the OS PID of the Erlang VM running RabbitMQ, as returned by rabbitmqctl status.

Configuration Management Tools

Configuration management tools (e.g. Chef, Puppet, BOSH) provide assistancewith system limit tuning. Our developer tools guidelists relevant modules and projects.

Managing the Service

To start and stop the server, use the service tool.The service name is rabbitmq-server:

service rabbitmq-server status will report service statusas observed by systemd (or similar service manager):

It will produce output similar to this:

rabbitmqctl, rabbitmq-diagnostics,and other CLI tools will be available in PATH and can be invoked by a sudo-enabled user:

All rabbitmqctl commands will report an error if no node is running.See the CLI tools and Monitoring guides to learn more.

Log Files and Management

Server logs can be found under the configurable directory, which usuallydefaults to /var/log/rabbitmq when RabbitMQ is installed via a Linux package manager.

RABBITMQ_LOG_BASE can be used to override log directory location.

Assuming a systemd-based distribution, system service logs can beinspected using

which requires superuser privileges.Its output can be filtered to narrow it down to RabbitMQ-specific entries:

The output will look similar to this:

Log Rotation

The broker always appends to the log files, so a complete log history is retained.

logrotate is the recommended way of log file rotation and compression.By default, the package will set up logrotate to run weekly on files located in default/var/log/rabbitmq directory. Rotation configuration can be found in/etc/logrotate.d/rabbitmq-server.

Install on Older Distributions (CentOS 7, RHEL 7) Using PackageCloud Yum Repository

This section covers installation on RHEL 7 and CentOS 7. CentOS 7 hasreached the end of general support and is nolonger supported. Its use is therefore highly discouraged.

Yum will verify signatures of any packages it installs, therefore the first stepin the process is to import the signing key

Add Yum Repositories for RabbitMQ and Modern Erlang

In order to use the Yum repository, a .repo file (e.g. rabbitmq.repo) has to beadded under the /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory.

Red Hat 7, CentOS 7

The following example sets up a repository that will install RabbitMQ and its Erlang dependency from PackageCloud,and targets CentOS 7. There are slight differences to CentOS 8 instructions.

Install Packages with Yum

CentOS 7

Update Yum package metadata:

Next, install the packages:

Getting Help and Providing Feedback

If you have questions about the contents of this guide or any other topic related to RabbitMQ, don't hesitate to ask them on the RabbitMQ mailing list.

Help Us Improve the Docs <3

If you'd like to contribute an improvement to the site, its source is available on GitHub. Simply fork the repository and submit a pull request. Thank you!

The quickest way to install Elixir is through a distribution or using one of the available installers. If not available, then we recommend the precompiled packages or compiling it.

Note Elixir requires Erlang 18.0 or later. Many of the instructions below will automatically install Erlang for you. In case they do not, read the “Installing Erlang” section below.


The preferred option for installing Elixir. Choose your operating system and tool.

If your distribution contains an old Elixir/Erlang version, see the sections below for installing Elixir/Erlang from version managers or from source.

Mac OS X

  • Homebrew
    • Update your homebrew to latest: brew update
    • Run: brew install elixir
  • Macports
    • Run: sudo port install elixir

Unix (and Unix-like)

  • Arch Linux (Community repo)
    • Run: pacman -S elixir
  • openSUSE (and SLES 11 SP3+)
    • Add Erlang devel repo: zypper ar -f erlang
    • Run: zypper in elixir
  • Gentoo
    • Run: emerge --ask dev-lang/elixir
  • GNU Guix
    • Run: guix package -i elixir
  • Fedora 21 (and older)
    • Run: yum install elixir
  • Fedora 22 (and newer)
    • Run dnf install elixir
  • FreeBSD
    • From ports: cd /usr/ports/lang/elixir && make install clean
    • From pkg: pkg install elixir
  • Ubuntu 12.04/14.04/16.04 or Debian 7
    • Add Erlang Solutions repo: wget && sudo dpkg -i erlang-solutions_1.0_all.deb
    • Run: sudo apt-get update
    • Install the Erlang/OTP platform and all of its applications: sudo apt-get install esl-erlang
    • Install Elixir: sudo apt-get install elixir


  • Web installer
    • Click next, next, …, finish
  • Chocolatey
    • cinst elixir

Raspberry Pi


If necessary replace “jessie” with the name of your Raspian release.

  • The Erlang Solutions repository has a prebuilt package for armhf.
    This saves significant time instead of recompiling natively.

  • Get Erlang key

    • echo 'deb jessie contrib' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/erlang-solutions.list
    • Run: wget
    • Add to keychain: sudo apt-key add erlang_solutions.asc
  • Install Elixir

    • Update apt to latest: sudo apt update
    • Run: sudo apt install elixir


If you are familiar with Docker you can use the offical Docker image to get started quickly with Elixir.

  • Enter interactive mode
    • Run: docker run -it --rm elixir
  • Enter bash within container with installed elixir
    • Run: docker run -it --rm elixir bash

Those distributions will likely install Erlang automatically for you too. In case they don’t, check the Installing Erlang section below.

Precompiled package

Elixir provides a precompiled package for every release. First install Erlang and then download and unzip the file for the latest release.

Once the release is unpacked, you are ready to run the elixir and iex commands from the bin directory, but we recommend you to add Elixir’s bin path to your PATH environment variable to ease development.

Erlang 22.3 Download

Compiling with version managers

There are many tools that allow developers to install and manage multiple Erlang and Elixir versions. They are useful if you can’t install Erlang or Elixir as mentioned above or if your package manager is simply outdated. Here are some of those tools:

  • asdf - install and manage different Elixir and Erlang versions
  • exenv - install and manage different Elixir versions
  • kiex - install and manage different Elixir versions
  • kerl - install and manage different Erlang versions

If you would prefer to compile from source manually, don’t worry, we got your back too!

Compiling from source (Unix and MinGW)

You can download and compile Elixir in few steps. The first one is to install Erlang.

Next you should download the latest release, unpack it and then run make inside the unpacked directory (note: if you are running on Windows, read this page on setting up your environment for compiling Elixir).

Erlang Download Windows

After compiling, you are ready to run the elixir and iex commands from the bin directory. It is recommended that you add Elixir’s bin path to your PATH environment variable to ease development.

In case you are feeling a bit more adventurous, you can also compile from master:

If the tests pass, you are ready to go. Otherwise, feel free to open an issue in the issues tracker on Github.

Installing Erlang

The only prerequisite for Elixir is Erlang, version 18.0 or later, which can be easily installed with Precompiled packages. In case you want to install it directly from source, it can be found on the Erlang website or by following the excellent tutorial available in the Riak documentation.

For Windows developers, we recommend the precompiled packages. Those on a Unix platform can probably get Erlang installed via one of the many package distribution tools.

After Erlang is installed, you should be able to open up the command line (or command prompt) and check the Erlang version by typing erl. You will see some information as follows:

Notice that depending on how you installed Erlang, Erlang binaries might not be available in your PATH. Be sure to have Erlang binaries in your PATH, otherwise Elixir won’t work!

Setting PATH environment variable

It is highly recommended to add Elixir’s bin path to your PATH environment variable to ease development.

Download Erlang Documentation Html

On Windows, there are instructions for different versions explaining the process.

On Unix systems, you need to find your shell profile file, and then add to the end of this file the following line reflecting the path to your Elixir installation:

Checking the installed version of Elixir

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Once you have Elixir installed, you can check its version by running elixir --version.